Your pitch deck is ready… But you’re not.
I’m sure you’re nervous about the investor interviews.
Well, here’s a hot tip: Put yourself in the investors’ shoes.
Think about what you’d ask if you’re investing in a startup.
That way, you avoid getting blindsided and get your investor’s perspective.
So, to help prepare for the interview…
Pawel Maj collected 300+ questions typically asked during a VC interview:
✅ Fundraising Questions
➡️ What are the KPIs for this round?
➡️ What's a pre-money valuation?
➡️ Do you already have term sheets for other funds?
✅ Team Questions
➡️ What is the size of your team?
➡️ How do you attract employees to your company?
➡️ What are the key hires?
✅ Exit Questions
➡️ When do you plan to exit?
➡️ Who could be a potential buyer?
➡️ What is vital for a potential buyer?
…and more!
In one year alone, Pawel Maj has participated in 200+ meetings of startups with potential investors.
He writes down all the investor’s questions he’s heard, so he’s now sharing the giant list.
9 out of 10 questions you’ll get asked will come from this list, making it necessary for you to close. 🚀
Check out the complete list of questions inside our Sales & Investor Accelerator Club where I will share these valuable resources. Join us here!