Passionate About Your Tech,
But Struggling to Get Heard?
I work with innovators just like you on a daily basis, and they always seem to face the same challenges:
Lost in Translation: Your groundbreaking technology often gets lost in jargon, leaving potential investors confused.
The Funding Wall: Despite having a promising product, the doors of funding remain frustratingly closed.
The Lonely Journey: You feel isolated, navigating the complex world of startup funding without a guiding hand.
The "Just Another Startup": Without a captivating narrative, your innovation risks being seen as just another startup in an overcrowded market.
Do these challenges sound familiar?
At INNW, we understand these challenges, and we’ve made it our mission to bridge the gap between your technical genius and securing the investment you deserve.
From Technical Jargon to Multi-Million-Dollar Opportunities
This is how the INNW Institute can help you:
Clear, Compelling Narratives: We distill your complex tech language into a story that resonates, making investors sit up and take notice.
Positioning for Success: Beyond just a pitch, we position your startup as a lucrative, can't-miss investment opportunity.
Guided Journey: With INNW, you're never alone. We're with you at every step, ensuring your pitch is perfect and your confidence unshakable.
Masterful Presentations: Whether you're on a stage, in a virtual meeting, or at an investor dinner, we equip you with the skills to impress and persuade.
Want to get started right now?
Click the button below to see our packages.
A Glimpse Into My Journey
Hello again! I'm Wen Zhang. Let me share a bit more about my journey.
Starting out, I faced the same challenges many of you do. I had a vision, a passion for technology, and a dream to make a mark. But translating that into a language investors would understand? That was a mountain to climb.
Over the years, I've worn many hats - from launching businesses and taking them global to navigating the intricate world of startup funding.
And yes, along the way, I've been fortunate to help brilliant minds secure over $40 million in funding. It's been a ride!
A few milestones from my journey:
Corporate Leadership: I’ve led a GTM 400 sales team that has driven a $320 million impact across the North American Market
Entrepreneurial Spirit: From ideation to execution, I've been through the startup grind and know its highs and lows.
Academic Pursuits: My time at the University of Illinois and Duke University wasn't just about degrees. It was about understanding the blend of tech and business, and how one complements the other.

If you're curious about my philosophy on storytelling for startups, check out our TEDx talk here!
Pick Your Path, and Let's Get Started!
Option 1.
Core Package | Pitch Ready
Elevate your pitch, resonate with investors, and set the stage for success.
Cost: $4,995.00 for 10 hours consulting.
Option 2.
Premium Package | Pitch + Investor Ready
From pitch perfection to investor engagement, this comprehensive package is your ticket to rapid success.
Cost: $7,995.00 for 15 hours consulting.
Option 3.
1 hour AMA Consulting with Wen
Gain insights, strategies, and personalized guidance in an exclusive session with Wen.
Cost: $495.00/hour